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Eiksundvegen 996064 Haddal

Ulstein Betong Utbygging har hand om fleire eigedomar, i flotte omgivnadar, godt eigna for bustadbygging. Felta vert lagt til rette for fleire typar einingar, med opparbeidd infrastruktur.

Aslaug Vaas veg 1C0766 Oslo

Hovem as, established in March 2020, provides engineering work on location or remotely. Knut Hovem has worked with oil and gas wells for nearly 30 years. He is actively working as completion engineer, delivering subsea wells for independent operators, and is currently based in Norway.

Opsangervegen 185460 Husnes
Luramyrveien 124313 Sandnes
Rådhusgata 170158 Oslo