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Verpetveien 331543 Vestby
Hydrovegen 553936 Porsgrunn

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Flaggnutvegen 156600 Sunndalsøra

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Herreveien 8013962 Stathelle

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Storgata 16993 Høyanger

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Weidemanns gate 83080 Holmestrand

Bilfinger Nordics - a large multidisciplinary industrial services provider. We deliver maintenance, engineering, projects and operational services to our customers throughout the entire life cycle of an industrial facility.

Billingstadsletta 281396 Billingstad
Ingvald Ludvigsens gate 213027 Drammen