Dronningens gate 608006 Bodø
Trekanten 203946 Porsgrunn

The company offers services associated with computational methods and engineering analysis. These services encompass the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to analyze fluid and heat transfer in complex systems, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to analyze the stresses and strains within structures, Multiphysics Simulation to simulate the interaction of multiple physical phenomena, and Design Optimization to improve the performance, reliability, and safety of products and systems.

Fantoftvegen 385072 Bergen
Bjørnebærstien 191348 Rykkinn
Kristian brenners vei 143026 Drammen
Myntevikvegen 1245258 Blomsterdalen
Møllendalsveien 1A5009 Bergen
Dovresvingen 8B1184 Oslo
Saupstadringen 45A7078 Saupstad