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Kaptein Linges veg 1976006 Ålesund

Vi tilbyr profesjonell legging og vedlikehold av parkett i boliger/fritidsboliger, bedrifter, offentlige bygg og idrettshaller. Med lang erfaring og stor kompetanse på underlag, parkett og legging, legger vi gulvene slik at de skal vare lenge.

Kystveien 184841 Arendal

Norac AS is a leading supplier of interior systems for cruise ships, ferries, commercial vessels and offshore installations. Headquartered in Norway, the company manufactures and distributes fire-rated walls, ceiling systems, doors, prefabricated wet units, floating floors, windows and furniture, making Norac a complete provider of high-quality, affordable interior systems for the maritime industry. Norac products are manufactured with only first-class materials in compliance

Dronning Åsas vei 187040 Trondheim
Ormahaugvegen 55347 Ågotnes
Kaibakken 16509 Kristiansund N