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Hermelinveien 213124 Tønsberg

NERDRUMS OPMAALING AS er med sine mer enn hundre år, Norges eldste oppmålingsfirma.Firmaet har lang og bred erfaring og har vært i kontinuerlig drift helt siden 1898. Nerdrums opmaaling vil til en hver tid utføre oppdragene med markedets mest kostnadseffektive og presise utstyr samt programvare.

Litlås 25954 Mongstad

Veltec is a leading expert in technical services for the process and power plant industries throughout Europe with extensive experience, sound know-how and a comprehensive range of services. Working with our customers in a spirit of partnership, we ensure the short-term and long-term productivity and availability of industrial plants of all sizes and complexity levels.

Industriveien 61461 Lørenskog

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